Australian Employment Projections to 2026

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Australian Employment Projections to 2026

Understanding how jobs are changing now and into the future is important for many individuals as it assists with making well-informed career, education and training decisions.

Knowing which jobs and industries are in demand can often shape how we approach our career development and the plans we make for the future.

The National Skills Commission (NSC) is at the forefront of researching and assessing what jobs and skills will be in demand over the coming years.

Their five-year employment projections, covering growth between November 2021 to November 2026, show the most growth will be in service industries and higher skill level jobs.

Industry Projections:

Source: National Skills Commission – Projecting Employment to 2026

Occupation Projections:

Source: National Skills Commission – Projecting Employment to 2026

Job Projections:

At a more detailed level, the jobs projected to have the strongest employment increases are:

  • Aged and disabled carers (up by 74,900 or 28.0%)
  • Registered nurses (up by 40,400 or 13.9%)
  • Software and application programmers (up by 42,200 or 27.0%)
  • Database and systems administrators, and ICT security specialists (up by 29,100 or 38.9%)
  • Management and organisation analysts (up by 28,200 or 32.2%)

The Four C’s

The key skills that will be needed for future jobs, include Care, Computing, Cognitive and Communication skills.

Higher Skill Level Jobs

The NSC’s five year projections also revealed the importance of tertiary education and skills development, with more than nine out of 10 jobs created in the next five years requiring post-secondary qualifications.

Growth in STEM Careers

Employment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) occupations is predicted to grow by 14.2%, twice as fast as non-STEM jobs (7.4%).

The above labour market insights sourced from the NSC are credible, reliable and free from bias. Such insights are critical in helping people from all walks of life to make educated and informed decisions about their future careers.