Job Search Coaching

$350 – 90 min session (via Zoom or in person by appointment )
You may find yourself looking for a new job for a number of reasons. You may no longer be satisfied in your current role and want a change, or you have no choice but to look for a new job due to your position being made redundant.
Looking for work can be a challenging and frustrating process, especially if you have been applying for roles and receiving very little feedback or constant rejection. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Our 90 min Job Search Coaching session will provide you with the necessary tools, confidence and knowledge to develop and elevate your job search skills in a competitive market, while alleviating a lot of time and frustration to help you secure more interviews and land you the job you want.
What to expect:
- Discussion about your current job search, including expert feedback and advice on what you are doing well and what needs to be improved
- Discussion about your technical skills, soft skills and transferable skills and how to showcase these to potential employers and recruiters
- Guidance on how to create an effective personal brand and value proposition
- Guidance on how to build your online presence with a focus on LinkedIn
- Professional feedback and advice on your Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile
- Learn how to effectively tailor your application to a position so you stand out from your competition
- Learn how to access the “hidden job market” where approximately 75% of unadvertised jobs are
- Learn how to leverage and build your current network to increase opportunities
- Get feedback on your Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile and learn how to keyword optimise your documents and make them ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly
- Identify recruiters who specialise in your industry
As part of this service, you will also receive a complimentary Job Search Coaching Guide, as well as a Job Search Action Plan template and Job Search Tracker template to help keep you accountable and on top of your job search.
Job Search Coaching sessions are available via Zoom or in person by appointment.
Follow up 60-minute sessions can be scheduled at your request and are charged at $250 per hour.